Kyle, Kelly Jo and Kash

Together We Make A Family

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Swim Lesson's

Oh the adventure of signing Kash up for swimming lesson's. I thought I was doing a good deed, something fun for the summer, right? We had our first lesson last Saturday.... the poor thing cried the whole time. There were a ton of other children there and mine was the only one crying     :(   It was sad. I thought for sure he would love it because he is such a water boy. So today was our 2nd lesson. I got him up and told him he was going and the tears started coming down. I gave him my best ever pep talk, told him how awesome he is and how great he would do and I would be right by him. Still, he cried and said he was not going. I didn't pay much for the lesson's so I thought for a second that it would be no big deal if he didn't want to go, but then I thought I don't want him to think it's ok to just give up on things. I guess more then that I knew he could do it and like it. I tried bribing him, it didn't matter, he really didn't want those walkie talkies that he would really, really like to have. So I when all else failed I threatened him. Just a threat, but it worked. He LOVED IT :)  He even smiled a time or two. He has a great teacher who is patient and cute with all of the kids. He is even excited to go next week (YAY.) When we are not in such a rush trying to make it on time, I will have to remember to take my camera and get some pictures.


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